Prime Cure HIV/AIDS Health is one of South Africa’s leading providers of HIV/AIDS awareness and education, diagnosis and disease management.
Prime Cure has over 13 years’ experience in the HIV/AIDS industry, servicing employees and medical scheme beneficiaries through its Wellness Division and HIV/AIDS Disease Management Programme. The outcomes-based disease management programme, which has managed more than 120,000 members, results in proven savings and improved care. Compliance with the programme and treatment regime is the cornerstone of our success.
Over the years, Prime Cure Health has developed and refined numerous processes, guidelines and systems, allowing for better clinical management, support and operational efficiencies. Key areas of expertise include the full continuum of care, from HIV/AIDS prevention to diagnosis and disease management.
Why Choose Us?
- We have a highly skilled medical team.
- We only employ managed care practitioners who are either registered nurses or pharmacy assistants post basic.
- We offer ongoing training and development, thus embracing continuing professional development for healthcare practitioners.
- We work with numerous aid agencies, public institutions, medical schemes and other services that range from HIV/AIDS campaigns, education, diagnosis and treatment.
- We currently manage patients across nine African countries.
- We work with a premier courier service pharmacy providing anti-retroviral therapy to patients living with HIV/AIDS.
- We are committed to the social transformation of HIV/AIDS.
Services Offered
Prime Cure is uniquely positioned to provide employers and medical schemes with the seamless services required for the full spectrum of HIV/AIDS care in a cost-effective manner, while remaining patient centric. The proposed services can be adopted in a modular fashion or as the full package. These services include :
HIV/AIDS Consulting Services
- Needs assessment
- Policy development
- Strategy development
- Strategy implementation
Training, which includes:
- Management training
- Peer education or wellness champion training
Wellness Programme
HIV/AIDS and TB prevention, which includes:
- Health education
- A condom management programme
- Medical male circumcision
- Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV/AIDS
- Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)
- Prevention with Positives
- Voluntary counselling and testing (VCT)
- Chronic disease management
Linking to care, which includes:
- Appropriate access to care
- Appropriate resourcing
HIV/AIDS Disease Management Programme
- Getting antiretroviral therapy
- Retention in care
- Achieving virologic control
- Clinical expertise
- Communication management
- Reporting